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vgplot: An Interactive Grammar of Graphics

A grammar of interactive graphics in which graphical marks are Mosaic clients.

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As the name suggests, vgplot combines concepts from existing tools such as Vega-Lite, ggplot2, and Observable Plot. Like Vega-Lite, vgplot supports rich interactions and declarative specification either using an API or standalone JSON/YAML specs (via the mosaic-spec package). However, because vgplot is based on Mosaic, it interoperates with other Mosaic clients, such as the included Mosaic Inputs. vgplot calls Observable Plot to render SVG output.

This page provides an overview of vgplot. Skip to the examples to dive right in.


vgplot re-exports much of the mosaic-core, mosaic-sql, mosaic-plot, and mosaic-inputs packages. For many applications, it is sufficient to import @uwdata/vgplot alone.


A plot produces a single visualization as a Web element. A plot is defined as a list of directives defining plot attributes, marks, interactors, or legends.

Similar to other grammars, a plot consists of marks—graphical primitives such as bars, areas, and lines—which serve as chart layers. We use the semantics of Observable Plot, such that each plot has a dedicated set of encoding channels with named scale mappings such as x, y, color, opacity, etc. Plots support faceting of the x and y dimensions, producing associated fx and fy scales. Plots are rendered to SVG output by marshalling a specification and passing it to Observable Plot.

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import { plot, line, from, width, height } from "@uwdata/vgplot";
  lineY(from("aapl"), { x: "Date", y: "Close" }),
- mark: lineY
  data: { from: aapl }
  x: Date
  y: Close
width: 680
height: 200

The stock chart above consists of three directives:

  1. A lineY mark to visualize data from a backing data table named "aapl".
  2. A width attribute to set the chart width in pixels.
  3. A height attribute to set the chart height in pixels.

Plot API Reference


Attributes are plot-level settings such as width, height, margins, and scale options (e.g., xDomain, colorRange, yTickFormat). Attributes may be Param-valued, in which case a plot updates upon param changes.

vgplot includes a special Fixed scale domain setting (e.g., xDomain(Fixed)), which instructs a plot to first calculate a scale domain in a data-driven manner, but then keep that domain fixed across subsequent updates. Fixed domains enable stable configurations without requiring a hard-wired domain to be known in advance, preventing disorienting scale domain "jumps" that hamper comparison across filter interactions.

Attributes API Reference


Marks are graphical primitives, often with accompanying data transforms, that serve as chart layers. In vgplot, each mark is a Mosaic client that produces queries for needed data. Marks accept a data source definition and a set of supported options, including encoding channels (such as x, y, fill, and stroke) that can encode data fields.

A data field may be a column reference or query expression, including dynamic param values. Common expressions include aggregates (count, sum, avg, median, etc.), window functions (such as moving averages), date functions, and a bin transform. Most field expressions—including aggregate, window, and date functions—are specified using Mosaic SQL builder methods.

Marks support dual modes of operation: if an explicit array of data values is provided instead of a backing from(tableName) reference, vgplot will visualize that data without issuing any queries to the database. This functionality is particularly useful for adding manual annotations, such as custom rules or text labels.

Marks API Reference


Interactive filtering is not supported if you bypass the database and pass data directly to a mark.

Basic Marks

Basic marks, such as dot, bar, rect, cell, text, tick, and rule, mirror their namesakes in Observable Plot. Variants such as barX and rectY indicate spatial orientation and data type assumptions. barY indicates vertical bars—continuous y over an ordinal x domain—whereas rectY indicates a continuous x domain.

Basic marks follow a straightforward query construction process:

  • Iterate over all encoding channels to build a SELECT query.
  • If no aggregates are encountered, query all fields directly.
  • If aggregates are present, include non-aggregate fields as GROUP BY criteria.
  • If provided, map filtering criteria to a SQL WHERE clause.

Connected Marks

The area and line marks connect consecutive sample points. Connected marks are treated similarly to basic marks, with one notable addition: the queries for spatially oriented marks (areaY, lineX) can apply M4 optimization. The query construction method uses plot width and data min/max information to determine the pixel resolution of the mark range. When the data points outnumber available pixels, M4 performs perceptually faithful pixel-aware binning of the series, limiting the number of drawn points. This optimization offers dramatic data reductions for both single and multiple series.

Separately, vgplot includes a regressionY mark for linear regression fits. Regression calculations and associated statistics are performed in-database in a single aggregate query. The mark then draws the regression line and optional confidence interval area.

Geography and Geometry

The geo mark visualizes geometry data, such as geographic regions, in GeoJSON format. An array of GeoJSON features can be provided directly as data, or geographic data can be loaded and queried directly in database using the DuckDB spatial extension.

Density Marks

The densityY mark performs 1D kernel density estimation (KDE). The densityY mark defaults to areas, but supports a type option to instead use lines, points, or other basic marks. The generated query performs linear binning, an alternative to standard binning that proportionally distributes the weight of a point between adjacent bins to provide greater accuracy for density estimation. The query uses subqueries for the "left" and "right" bins, then aggregates the results. The query result is a 1D grid of binned values which are then smoothed. As smoothing is performed in the browser, interactive bandwidth updates are processed immediately.

The density, contour, heatmap, and raster marks compute densities over a 2D domain using either linear (default) or standard binning. Smoothing again is performed in browser; setting the bandwidth option to zero disables smoothing. The contour mark then performs contour generation, whereas the raster mark generates a colored bitmap. The heatmap mark is a convenient shortcut for a raster that performs smoothing by default. Dynamic changes of bandwidth, contour thresholds, and color scales are handled immediately in browser.

The hexbin mark pushes hexagonal binning and aggregation to the database. Color and size channels may be mapped to count or other aggregates. Hexagon plotting symbols can be replaced by other basic marks (such as text) via the type option.

The denseLine mark creates a density map of line segments, rather than points. Line density estimation is pushed to the database. To ensure that steep lines are not over-represented, we approximate arc-length normalization for each segment by normalizing by the number of filled raster cells on a per-column basis. We then aggregate the resulting weights for all series to produce the line densities.


Interactors imbue plots with interactive behavior. Most interactors listen to input events from rendered plot SVG elements to update bound selections. Interactors take facets into account to properly handle input events across subplots.

The toggle interactor selects individual points (e.g., by click or shift-click) and generates a selection clause over specified fields of those points. Directives such as toggleColor, toggleX, and toggleY simplify specification of which channel fields are included in the resulting predicates.

The nearestX and nearestY interactors select the nearest value along the x or y encoding channel.

The intervalX and intervalY interactors create 1D interval brushes. The intervalXY interactor creates a 2D brush. Interval interactors accept a pixelSize parameter that sets the brush resolution: values may snap to a grid whose bins are larger than screen pixels and this can be leveraged to optimize query latency.

The panZoom interactor produces interval selections over corresponding x or y scale domains. Setting these selections to a plot's xDomain and/or yDomain attributes will cause the plot to pan and zoom in response.

The highlight interactor updates the rendered state of a visualization in response to a Selection. Non-selected points are set to translucent, neutral gray, or other specified visual properties. Selected points maintain normal encodings. We perform highlighting by querying the database for a selection bit vector and then modifying the rendered SVG.

Interactors API Reference


Legends can be added to plot specifications or included as standalone elements.

The name directive gives a plot a unique name. A standalone legend can reference a named plot (colorLegend({ for: 'name' })) to avoid respecifying scale domains and ranges.

Legends also act as interactors, taking a bound Selection as a parameter. For example, discrete legends use the logic of the toggle interactor to enable point selections. Two-way binding is supported for Selections using single resolution, enabling legends and other interactors to share state.

Legends API Reference


Layout helpers combine elements such as plots and inputs into multi-view dashboard displays. vgplot includes vconcat (vertical concatenation) and hconcat (horizontal concatenation) methods for multi-view layout. These methods accept a list of elements and position them using CSS flexbox layout. Layout helpers can be used with plots, inputs, and arbitrary Web content such as images and videos. To ensure spacing, the vspace and hspace helpers add padding between elements in a layout.

Layout API Reference